Somerville Community House Inc
Unlock Your Potential
Inc. Reg. No. A0049276V A.B.N: 47 673 738 558

Community Groups
Men's Support Group
This group meet every week during the term on Friday from 2pm - 4pm. Join this friendly social group of men to share a cuppa & a yarn. New members and stories are most welcome.
​​Coffee Club - Daily
This group meet Monday to Friday from 10.30am usually after a walk around the leafy streets of Somerville to share a cuppa and a social chat.
Projex J ​
This new supportive group meets fortnightly on a Thursday to support each other through the impacts of grief.
Please visit Projex J - Get Busy Living for more information.
​First Time Parents Group
Get together with a bunch of first time parents and make new friends. Lisa a Registered Nurse, provides sensible answers to your questions & provides you will all sorts of practical tips. Contact the Mornington Peninsula Shire on 5950 1099.
Immunisations for Children
Contact the Mornington Peninsula Shire team on 5950 1099 for additional information or to book your appointment. We provide a safe and kind space while you wait for your appointment. The Somerville Knitters & Crocheters offer homemade tini toys to give the children. The backyard chooks are a fabulous distraction.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
​Breast Feeding Workshops ​Meet with a trained and experienced breast-feeding consultant in a small and personalised setting. Contact Karis on 0421 655 444 for more details and to book your spot.

Rotary - Somerville Tyabb
Meets at the Community House the first 3 Wednesdays of the month 6pm.
New Members Welcome!
For further details -
Contact Chris: 9787 2462 or 0407 329 170

Peninsula North Men's Shed
Meets at Baxter. The Men's Shed provides a range of activities to learn and practice using all types of tools in a safe, social setting with a bunch of blokes.
For further details -
Contact John: 0412 648 005