Somerville Community House Inc
Unlock Your Potential
Inc. Reg. No. A0049276V A.B.N: 47 673 738 558

Arts & Crafts
Twining Workshop
Louise is offering a new workshop for beginners on how to thread a placemat or wall hanging. This technique involves threading the material up and down, like weaving. All materials and instructions are included in the price. $65 per class. The last Sunday of the month 10am-4pm. ​
Adult Art & Drawing Community Group
Join this group of drawing and painting enthusiasts who meet for a social chat and to share tips every Wednesday morning 9.30am $5 per session.
Knitting and Crocheting Groups
Enjoy a social session focusing on knitting and crochet and all things yarn. Here’s a chance to learn this retro craft from the experts and make items for yourself and or charity organisations. Monday and Friday 10am.
Somerville Stitchers
Join our crafty group of experienced patch-workers who make a variety of items for themselves and the wider community. Wednesday 9.30am. $5 per session.
Craft 'n' Chat
This friendly group of crafters bring along a variety of different types of craft to work on. This may involve knitting, sewing, applique, cross-stitch to name a few. Tea and Coffee available. Wednesday 1pm.
Exploring Adult Art
Explore techniques such as water-colour, acrylic, montage and more!
February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th 2pm - 4pm. $30 per class includes all materials.
Flowers for Home Workshop
​Learn the basics of floral arranging with Rosie and create a beautiful display each time to take home, such fun!
1st Friday of the month. 10am - 12pm. $15 incl all materials.
Material Bags
We are fortunate that we have some generous sewing ladies who make bags for our charity projects, one being the Frankston Oncology Department. We are also very grateful for the generosity of the Dromana Community House and Sorrento Community House boomerang bag groups who have provided us with a pile of beautiful bags.
